The Countdown: Mad Men

The premiere date for the newest season of Mad Men, season 4, has finally been announced and like the last three seasons I can't wait for this to begin.  The year will be 1964 starting just after where the last season ended in December of 1963 with the assassination of President Kennedy and the formation of Sterling Cooper Draper Price.  We can see from the key art the direction they are headed with the new season but I am interested to see some new costumes for the season.  As we can see Don Draper ditched the all too recognizable gray suit for a dark navy suit but keeps the white french cuff shirt and skinny tie.  Janie Bryant (if you are out there reading this I'd love to get an interview) is the costume designer for the show and does an absolute phenomenal job at it.  She even designed a Mad Men inspired suit in collaboration with Brooks Brothers.  So hold tight, having waited since November 8th I think we can wait another 22 days.

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